Hamilton Wayzgoose
Conference Branding
Design Type | Branding, Layout Design
Tools Used | Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Letterpress Brayer and Ink
The Brief
This project is a new design for the Hamilton Wood Type Museum in Two Rivers, Wisconsin for their annual Wayzgoose Conference that happens every November. This design is based off of the history of letterpress. I wanted to include a brayer, rolled ink, and the texture the ink makes on paper as those are the most important parts of getting ready to print on a press. The brayer and rolling the ink are the first steps one takes in order to print anything on the letterpress. And because those are the first steps to learn about when learning how to use a letterpress, it shows that everyone has to start at the same point when learning about printing, no matter the press.
The logo created for the Hamilton Wayzgoose logo was designed to incorporate the brayer texture from working in the letterpress studio. I chose a HWT font as the logo with the colors that they use in their branding. The colors of the background were picked based off of their style guide.
With each of the pages on the outside of the name tag, I created letters using an ink brayer and make the initials for the Hamilton Wood Type Museum. I thought it would bring a unique experience that matches exactly what the museum stands for. Although, when folded, one can not see the H, W, and T all together and looks like abstract brayer lines. But when the name tag is folded out, you can see all three letters, as a small momento from the conference.
This is the inside part of the program which has the daily schedule for the conference weekend, the timing of the events, keynote speakers, breaks, eating time, as well as notes about different events happening during the conference.
This is the outside part of the program. This would be the front side of the name tag and program. This portion shows the H, W, and T as talked about above, along with participants name, pronouns, instagram, and the company they are attending with on the W and T. The H is the inside fold with a brayer rolling ink onto the paper as there is no information that goes on the page.